Class Knowledge

Lymph Node

Saturday, August 19, 2006


I am in shock. long-term shock. They might call it PTSD. They might call it educational trauma disorder.

I have taken my time to refine my life into a machine to great knowledge of society. Ethical ability to judge what is right in regards to all humanity, to give a fairness to anyone in the world, including myself. The ability and desire to cut away all fluff and increase the ability of humanity to build the greatest family.

Fluff. I am currently reminded of this ability to learn to cut away fluff, but then put it back to be pretty. I can give you the information you need, but it's like beating you with a mental wrench. Putting back some of the fluff, in very lovely and shway ways, is more like a 3 year education in plumbing.

It's like surgical procedure to minimize scarring. Is it necessary? Maybe a little. But what good is it if you're rotting inside? Then it's just extra neon on a junkyard.