Class Knowledge

Lymph Node

Monday, July 31, 2006

The Monastery: 2

The next time I saw them was Thursday. Several of them were hanging out in two parked cars in the Walgreens parking lot. A chick sat on the hood in the bright sunshine. They had sunrooves open. I could hear them laughing and singing and talking with one another. I sat in my own car, parked there and waiting to go inside. But they caught my eye, and my heart. The same guy was there, in the passenger side of the silver car. I couldn't hear anything they were saying.

But to walk up to that car, I feared it. I feared being destroyed by their combined attention focused on me. As thought it would burn my skin if I got too close to it. The next time I would. Someone walked up to their car and they greeted him warmly. He leaned on the side.

How will I introduce this character, myself, to these people? They seem to be so right, so righteous, where things can be done. I feel that I have understanding they can use, and that they have understanding that I need to have. How desperate of me, how pitiful.

I began walking over there, entirely unprepared for what I would say or do. Maybe I would just stand there next to them and say nothing, invisible. Maybe I would write down or listen to what they say, maybe record it if I had the metal to.

Then I was near them, standing, and one of the girls seemed to be talking to me. "Hey, how are you?"


And we began talking. I was in! That was the first day in about a year that I had gone 'to church,' I later found.

Jeffrey, the church's speaker, was indistinguishably old. He could have been any age between 18 and 33. But he spoke with wisdom beyond years. He had been hanging out with and ministering to the rotating group of youths and also some older folks and kids too for about 5 years, he said.

"We're a monastery. And a church. We hold services at local Denny's and diners and Dunkin Donuts, and any place else that starts with D. But only D..."

then the whole group broke up into laughter. It gradually subsided. I chuckled, not getting it.

"No, we'll talk anywhere! A street corner, a private home, Manchester, even a church! I go to church church sometimes too. But Jesus didn't teach in a church building most of a time. I mean the time. What is a church anyway? Bricks or people?"

"PEOPLE!!" they all said to one another and me, and they hugged and some kissed and leaned closer.

I felt very at home.

"We built a church once, Roj, didn't you take part in that chruchbuilding we did in Applewood?"

"Wow, you guys build stuff too?"

"...oh, yeah, we're a working monastery."

"Where do you stay?"

"Well, most of the people live in their parents' places, some do the college, but some of us are just doing it on our own and some of us just bop. Where are you from?"

"That's a shame. I live with my folks."

Hey that's cool... none of us judge another, you know. Do you judge?"

That was a really hard question to answer.

The Monastery

"If I'm going to teach you one thing in life, it is about Jesus Christ. If two, then Jesus Christ and faith and love in everything you do, which is really also about Jesus Christ."

I never expected to see a church service held in a Dunkin Donuts, and on a Saturday, but as I was standing in line I heard them all talking over my shoulder. There were about six or a dozen of them sitting there with assorted condiments, bags and bits, and they were talking about Jesus Christ and how to live ethical lives. One guy seemed to be the speaker.

"Have faith in God. Living in faith and without fear means knowing that you deserve nothing that is wrong because you have repented, and that anything wrong coming your way will be merciful and end in God's perfect justice."

Several others also spoke during the time I waited to order, got my snacks, and then I sat down at the table without thinking although I don't usually and I was alone.

There didn't seem to be an order to their churchings. They spoke together freely about whatever topic they chose. All of them from time to time spoke. Until my cell rang I found myself overhearing their conversation with interest.

"Jimbo, when's the ball game? We meeting at Sausage Field?"
"Heck, why not? It was for 3 o'clock."
"I'll check you guys there then. Peace yo."

But I threw my trash away and didn't want to leave. I wanted to talk to those people over in the corner. The clerks didn't even talk to them or tell them to leave. They were glowing up the restaurant with their spirits and funk.

Finally, reluctantly, I left. I couldn't just stand by the trash waiting for myself, and Ed was waiting with the bat. But the thought wouldn't leave me.

I'd be back. Or I'd hope they would be back.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Font 2

I've gotta break from the plan for a minute.

Israel is still attacking Lebanon to get at Hizbolla. A US Congressman slammed Bush for preparing for a military police state. A former CIA director said the government may be manufacturing fake terrorism. America may be falling like Rome in the next 15 years.

You won't hear this on regular news agencies. I say 'regular' and mean 'televised', corporately funded. Not because it isn't true. These are professional faces saying professional things. This entire counterculture as you might call it is poorly broadcast on major networks, and very well broadcast underground. Everyone who digs knows at least something about this kind of stuff. There's scores of millions of such people in America, and around the world, billions.

We can seriously have peace. I've found the technology to make it so. I've analyzed the effects of that technology upon economies and societies, and it fits. I've begun tackling religious issues that seperate people, and examined some of the political aspects that seem to form inalienable wedges. They are funded. They are coerced. They are desperate. They will fall away if these are removed and replaced with love. The state is so sour and corrupted it's bursting through. The world is so sour and corrupt it is exploding in places, and they only see it, and compare it to their ideals and themselves, freakishly regulated, and charges arc between them in the form of bullets and bombs. It's awful.

I am a supercatalyst and I want all peace, that it please and glorify God.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

People And Education

It's maddening. Sometimes people produce statements that I know are false, but only because I am equipped with special information. Not from ESP or spiritual experiences, but from plain study.

I have examined the workings of the water splitter, and patents displaying outstanding efficiency and technologies, yet they are suppressed. Some owned by corporations and disused. Are the corporations still well meaning? Anyone who knows about those documents and procedures and does not use them cannot truly be well meaning, unless their lives are in danger to prevent them from using them or speaking about them, which may be the case.

Every time I see a car commercial I am reminded of the Pogue carburater, US Pat#2,xxx,xxx, dispensed in 1936. It receives 171 miles per gallon. I am reminded of all matter off performance oriented adjustments that are simply not made to vehicles for sale by corporations. It is maddening.

Similarly, people produce spiritual falsehoods that I cannot fathom. I have had spiritual experiences personal to myself, but I have also read about mass spiritual experiences. An image of the mother mary appeared over Paris, France, before millions of witnesses and flowers rained from heaven. The pool at Lourdes, France, has healed thousands of people since the 1850's, many unexplainable and unduplicatable by medical science. These two occasions alone should be proof enough of more than science gives, but almost every day I meet people who deny God and deny that anything unscientific ever happens. It used to bug me more, but I know that God is in control, and I am reminded of the parable of the sower.

""And when much people were gathered together, and were come to him out of every city, he spake by a parable: a sower went out to sow his seed: and as he sowed, some fell by the way side; and it was trodden down, and the fowls of the air devoured it. And some fell upon a rock; and as soon as it was sprung up, it withered away, because it lacked moisture. And some fell among thorns; and the thorns sprang up with it, and choked it. And other fell on good ground, and sprang up, and bare fruit an hundredfold. And when he had said these things, he cried, He that hath ears to hear, let him hear."—Luke 8:4-8."

Jesus explained this to us as people who hear the word. Different people hear it and disbelieve right away, and Satan comes and snatches it up. Some hear and believe, but are in shallow soil and wither in the sun. Some fall among thorns and they believe, but the troubles and pressure of the world defeat them and they die. Some falls on good ground and good people spread the word.

This is also about family. I just now realize that this is guidance for my difficulty and desire to have a family. I must overcome these thorns of the world and serve God faithfully and therefore fruitfully. This will happen regardless of thorns, and I know God has all the resources I need.

Dispatches From Awareness: The start of it all

I have the experience of living about 15 years in the future. It's not something I could put on a resume or bring up at a job interview, but its' something that shapes my life on a daily basis. I don't have a time machine to skip out on, but I do have all the modern communication... excuse me "modern"... communication techniques, and a spiritual demeanor, a healthy science education, and a blessed set of ethics. With these tools I have slowly assembled the future.

This is not first to educate you about the future. There will be time for that. I've given out all the information everywhere I can. I cannot push information into your mind, but if you are pulling I can supply it. It is selfishly about my own experience knowing this future, knowing many other things, and my reactions. This is the account of a movement.

Then he said romans 14:13.

"13Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother's way. 14As one who is in the Lord Jesus, I am fully convinced that no food is unclean in itself. But if anyone regards something as unclean, then for him it is unclean. 15If your brother is distressed because of what you eat, you are no longer acting in love. Do not by your eating destroy your brother for whom Christ died. 16Do not allow what you consider good to be spoken of as evil. 17For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, 18because anyone who serves Christ in this way is pleasing to God and approved by men.

19Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification. 20Do not destroy the work of God for the sake of food. All food is clean, but it is wrong for a man to eat anything that causes someone else to stumble. 21It is better not to eat meat or drink wine or to do anything else that will cause your brother to fall.

22So whatever you believe about these things keep between yourself and God. Blessed is the man who does not condemn himself by what he approves. 23But the man who has doubts is condemned if he eats, because his eating is not from faith; and everything that does not come from faith is sin."

Life is by faith as well as God's truth. This passage has guided me often. I could tell you straight up that it's about money, oil, and power, and how these things have engulfed the world, but without faith and God's love I am just judging and wasting my time and breath. Sometimes I feel like I am wasting my keystrokes on the net, but I blog not because I want, but because I care and know, and have faith that whatever I type in faith is used by God to change the world.


The internet is one of my favorite mediums of communication and resources of research. This post is actually in a blog. If it is ever published or reaches you on paper, God bless you, it's probably 8 months out of date by now. Today is July 20, 2006, as it says on my header. Publishing a book takes about six months or longer. I recently read from some news agency that blogging news is old after 36 hours. It is continuous update, even at night.

From my AIM profile:
"The movement spans all eras. who cares what time it is or what we're trying to do, though we do it. it is 1966 as much as 2006, as much as 2016, as much as 2046. love is still the answer. being forced to chase money is slavery. peace is our profession. God is great and we are saved by faith. Through faith will come your works. Amen."

I don't want to boast about what accomplishments I have witnessed or victories I feel I have been part of or participated in. My work is God's, not my own. Without God I am nothing.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

If we use advanced energy production methods to supply the world with abundant cheap energy and use new agricultural methods to produce more and better food than the world has ever, we will produce an idyllic and stable world ready for massive labor reform and advancement.

By establishing civilian software defined radio we can increase world acculturation and education, and reduce the incidence of harmful veryshortwave radiation and cost of living.

It is likely due to footage and recordings from NASA, commercial and military aircraft, the Navy, and from the CIA and government data and public events and evidence that alien life is substantial. It is very likely that alien life exists on this world and neighboring planets in this solar system, as well as in other distant systems. US Navy encounters make it likely that deep sea alien bases exist and that underground alien life forms are common.

A crop circle appearing in ~2001 in Britain mirroring a 1974 SETI image with corresponding 'gray' alien data changes is likely accurate.

The state is an assumed leadership association, but this assumption has been questioned and confronted by numerous organizations and public examples. It would be wise to gather intelligence officials, enlisted men, technologists and private citizens and release a substantial amount of secure footage, files, and statements related to government secrets of alien activity and advanced technology.

It is common knowledge that NASA, the Navy, and other aerospace authorities routinely airbrush out alien or suspicious articles from recorded materials.

The human public is the world human authority. We deserve the truth, and this statement is a public request for the disclosure of this information.