Monday, June 19, 2006

First, it doesn't matter what you write a song about. It's the funk you put into it.

We are awakening. "!!! - Can you feel it Intensify?" It's been intensifying since the first World War, since the 1960's, since 1993, since forever.

Peak oil will hit in about 2007, escalating the pace of market change and increasing awareness in many Americans. these new enlightened Americans, rustled out of their beds by historically high prices and an assortment of unacceptable changes will react, study, react again, and help chage the world in the ways it must.

We will have massive fields of pipelines where bacteria churn sunlight into hydrogen, which will be collected and stored for use in cars, homes, power plants, and industry. Energy will be cheap and available everywhere, and cause null pollution. Environmental movements will help us replace old dirty power plants with fuel cell installations and hydrogen engines. The international energy system will shift. Oil producing countries will see oil will fall out of mass use and become a specialty item and fuel for those places that still haven't updated from after the peak.

We will also receive considerable energy resources from the sun and tidal energy sources will increase in efficiency. Mirrored concentrating solar arrays will spread through the American south and South America and many portions of the 3rd world, providing cheap fuel and the ability to sustain essential equipment without complex fuel burning and distribution infrastructures.

Big businesses will be hit hard by the oil crunch and many will disappear and be replaced by small local businesses. Americans hit by peak oil and massive fuel prices will respond by producing less commerce, moving into fewer newer houses, buying and needing less electronics, and buying fewer new cars, unless those new cars provide exceptional fuel mileage, alternative fuel options, or are rather inexpensive. Fortunately small local businesses are more user friendly and keep more money in the community where it can aid workers and the economic conditions. Consumers may turn to the internet increasingly for commercial interests, exposing them to more information.

Agriculture will become more organic and naturally based as the population ages and becomes more health conscious. Many will grow gardens of their own.

With this shift and the economic measures of the 2000's, considerable wealth may leave the first world, ad with broadening 'wireless' style technological advances, the third world may become a more suitable place to grow food, grow or collect power, and use custom technology to build a reasonable life for millions.

Struggle over regional oil supplies will eventually diminish. Many exporters and resources will have fewer export options since so many Americans and first worlders will have less ability and desire to use oil and internationally [expensively] shipped goods, unless they are worth it. Shipping coffee from Colombia to America may cost considerably more if the price of jet fuel and fuel oil begins to multiply.

The relationship between the first world and 3rd world will change dramatically during and after peak oil. The business relationships inside the first and third worlds will also change. The third world will benefit from new technology, and the first world will benefit from more effective decentralized organization. This will manifest in a million ways.

Let the party begin.


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